Thursday, June 23, 2011

Epic Convos with Bob

I have a friend...Bob. Bob is gay. Bob is fabulous without being outwardly fabulous. What I mean by this is that Bob wears jean (expensive but not embellished), button up shirts and converse. He spends time on his hair, but not too much. He does obsess about his hair. He also obsesses about a little blemish right by the corner of his right eye that no one will ever notice but him. One time I picked him up $60 moisturizer at Sephora. He knows what is heinous and what isn't, but doesn't spend time looking at Vogue or keeping up on fashion week. He's great, but he's not too good for everyone. In short, he's a pretty perfect gay friend.
He does however say AMAZING things. He's not an asshole, but if you over-heard some of our conversations you would think he was. Me? I just can't help but laugh.
"Ug. That homeless dude looks like something out of Star Wars. Ew. It's looking at me. I swear, they should just kidnap all the homeless people and perform Nazi science experiments on them. That way science can make huge advances all at once. Maybe Loreal will actually come out with a turn-around cream that actually works. I mean, I don't want to hear about these experiments or see pictures, but I want that turn-around cream."

This is not even close to the tops of amazing things he says. Expect more updates.

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