Thursday, June 2, 2011

When to say when

I've never been one for moderation. I'm not really a "know when to say when" type of person. You should know this up front. You should know a lot of things about me up front. You should know that I'm terrible at saying no, that I probably use the F word too much, and that I'm usually early....except for when I'm not. I do a lot of things that I don't want to do, and I do them usually for either one of two reasons---1. I think it would make my parents happy or 2. I feel some obligation to be social and/or constantly surrounded by people. If I suddenly decided that I was okay with the prospect of being alone for hours, or even for the rest of my life (and maybe was on my period) I would sit home nights and weekends and make pasta....but then I would be 800 lbs and when I died they would have to burn the house down around me.
This desire to want to be social and meet people---friends or dudes--gets me into a lot of trouble. I don't feel like it's ever been as much of a burning desire as it has been lately. See, I'm not really over my last break-up, but I should be....I know I should be. So I persist in the world of online dating and letting people set me up until the day that I am magically over this ex-beau.
The reason that I do try online dating or letting people set me up doesn't really matter...the only thing that matters is that almost every time I go on a date or meet someone new, it's a complete disaster. Mind you, I'm pretty good at laughing about myself, and at life, so it usually turns out to be a funny disaster, or at least something I can make in to a funny story later...and that's how this blog is starting. See--I was just at dinner with two friends, catching one of them, who I haven't seen in over 6 months, up on my recent dating debacles. She said---and I hear this all the time so it wasn't really new-- "You should write a book, or at least start a blog. Your stories are hilarious." Now, normally when people tell me I should write a book I just think, "meh, I guess I could. Or I could just tell my friends about it and not put all that effort into something that other people may or may not find as funny as I find it." But she slipped the blog idea in there, and honestly, that seems so much more doable than writing a book. I mean, with my inability to say no, or even say when, I'm clearly just going to keep going on amazingly bad dates...and why shouldn't I chronicle these amazing experiences. I mean, they ARE pretty damn funny.

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